Thursday, December 20, 2012


How to copy Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common.dll to bin folder of your project

How to copy Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common.dll from the GAC to the bin folder of your project
For version 11 :

xcopy "C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.ReportViewer.ProcessingObjectModel\" "C:\projectfolder\bin"
xcopy "C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common\" "C:\projectfolder\bin"
xcopy "C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms\" "C:\projectfolder\bin"
xcopy "C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms\" "C:\projectfolder\bin"
For previous versions replace with either, or

Monday, January 28, 2008


WSS 3.0 enable search

To enable the search on a WSS Site, the following three actions need to be completed :
  1. In Central Administration / Operation / Services On Server ==> Start "Windows SharePoint Services Search" Service. (the first time you'll probably need to create a searchDatabase)
  2. In Central Administration / Application Management / Content Databases ==> Select the content database and set the searchserver
  3. Done!


Two Sites, one server, two versions of .Net framework, IIS 6.0. How to make this work?

the two following links helped me a lot in solving the problem :

With the command "aspnet_regiis -i" executed in the folder of a certain .Net framework, you install this version of the dotNet framework on all the sites in IIS.
With the command "aspnet_regiis -sn W3SVC/2/ROOT/" you can install the framework on a certain site. 2 is the siteID. You can find the siteID by looking at the name of the logfiles. It should be something like : W3SVC781/***.log. 781 is the siteID.

Attention! In one appPool can execute a lot of sites, but they all must use the same version of the .Net framwork. If this is not the case, ... make an additional AppPool.

This solved the problem for me. All sites were able to execute again.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Debugging in Visual Studio .Net 2003

Am i stupid? No i´m not! But now and then i make stupid mistakes. This is defenitily one off those which costed me an awfull lot of time!
What happened? Suddenly, without any obvious reason, i could't debug in Visual Studio .Net 2003 anymore. I didn't do anything, it just happened. (that's what i thought. Yes i know; nothing ever just happens, but ...)
When i started debugging i saw for the system dll´s "No symbols loaded".
For my own dll's "No native symbols in symbol file" appeared. This didn't ring a bell!
So i started looking on the net, couln't find anything that helped me. ...
And then, after ... i don't want to tell you how much time i lost with this, despite all, i started debugging again, looked at the popup that you get when you press attach to a proces, and saw that only "Native" was checked and not "Common Language Runtime".
Aaaaahhhh! In the beginning i was really desperate, but now, five fingernails later, i'm glad i found it! Finally i will sleep again tonight!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Problems with querying sharepoint doclib

I have some bizare results when i query the database.
This is the query :

"SELECT \"DAV:href\", \"DAV:displayname\", \"DAV:contentclass\", \"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#ows_Publicatiedatum\" FROM ( TABLE Portal_Content..Scope() UNION ALL TABLE Non_Portal_Content..Scope() ) WHERE (\"urn:sch\" = 1) AND (\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#ows_Publicatiedatum\" > '2006/3/20') AND (\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#ows_Publicatiedatum\" <= '2006/3/21') "

Although there are documents that match the criteria, no documents are found. ... There seems to be something on with searching on date fields! Has it something to do with GMT? I haven´t found a solution yet.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Microsoft SharePointPSSearch SQL Syntax

Syntax kan via deze link gevonden worden :

of via :

Thursday, March 16, 2006


SharePoint impersonation using COM+ Components

I found an interesting article of Raphael Londner on impersonation in sharepoint. You can find it here.



Sharepoint and portal listings

Aaahh, portal listings. I´ve written a custom search on the 'portal listings' lists. In the results page i wanted to show the associated image. This wasn't as easy as i thought! Finally i found how i can access this list through code :

using Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.SiteData;

Microsoft.Area currentArea = AreaManager.GetArea(PortalContext.Current, rootWeb.ID);
foreach(AreaListing al in currentArea.Listings)
//Do something

Hope this can help anyone!



Sharepoint Portal Server 2003 security problem after reinstallating the server.

After installing sharepoint portal server 2003 i get the following error when i try to open the default page : "You are not authorized to view this page".

It took me quite some time to find the solution for this problem.
It had all to do with security settings in IIS.

In IIS :
Open properties of the site.
Directory Security tabpage
Authentication and access control / Edit
select 'Integrated Windows authentication!!!'


Thursday, June 23, 2005

Thursday, May 19, 2005


vb script om user te bepalen.

Om netwerk user te kunnen ophalen vanuit vbscript volgende download nodig!

Monday, April 25, 2005


Sharepoint Site Permissions Manager

A new community tool for sharepoint : Sharepoint Site Permissions Manager

A Sharepoint utility to show all portal sites, manage site users and roles globally in one common interface. This utility will will also manage Sharepoint portal areas, area users, site groups and cross site groups globally in one common interface.

[gevonden via de Blog van Patrick]


WSS community tool : Document Library Explorer 1.0

A new community tool for sharepoint : Document Library Explorer 1.0

Document Library Explorer is a web part for enhancing the user interface of SharePoint document libraries. It contains a treeview for navigating folders and allows files and folders to be moved or copied using drag and drop.

[gevonden via de Blog van Patrick]

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


SharePoint User Utility 2.1

SharePoint User Utility 2.1

The purpose of the SharePoint User Utilities (WSSUserUtil and SPSUserUtil) is to assist SharePoint administrators with performing user maintenance activities for SharePoint Products and Technologies (which includes Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 and SharePoint Portal Server 2003)

[gevonden via de Blog van Patrick]

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Smartpart, a Webpart i´m certainly going to use!


GotDotNet User Sample: What's New Web Part for SharePoint Sites

GotDotNet User Sample: What's New Web Part for SharePoint Sites

Source code for a Web Part that walks through an entire site using the WSS object model and returns the most recently changed entries.

Friday, April 08, 2005


Interesting example of a webpart of patrick Tisseghem! Code inluded!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


U2U CAML Query Builder and Execution Tool Released

U2U CAML Query Builder and Execution Tool Released

U2U Has developed a CAML Query Builder. This is a tool I might need in the near future!


Hello to all readers and a small introduction.

Hello folks.

Just in case anybody would ever get into my blog, a small introduction.

I´m steven Wouters. I´m born and living in Belgium, in the flemish speaking part. I´m a professional ITér since 1997. I developed for 4 years in VB6, for 1 year in Smalltalk, for 2 years in Java and since a few month i´m a passionate c# developer!

In my private time i try to do some sports (mountainbiking, running). I have a big collection of strips, and i try to read a book now and then. I also like to play Carcassonne! The rest of my time i spend with my wife ilse!

Why do i create this blog. I don´t know yet. For sure i´m going to use it to post some interesting links in, i personally don´t want to forget.
In the IT world, my main interest at the moment is Sharepoint Portal Server. So you´ll probably find some stuff concerning that subject. ...


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